
Last from Anderson Highland

Well, my time at Anderson Highland has finally come to an end. (Well, actually, it officially ended 5/2 and practically ended 5/10, but I’m just now getting around to blogging about it.) What a wonderful time I had there. Mr. […]



Unbelievable… not that I ever actually thought I may not graduate, but I still can hardly believe that this day is here now.  High school graduation was one thing, but college graduation was always the lofty, far-off goal to which […]


More Amusing Student Work

Yesterday at Highland High School, Mr. Stickler gave the Blues Band a 5-minute assignment: using the provided paper, answer the following question: What is Jazz?  Here are some excerpted responses. It’s that feeling when you first get in the shower […]


Student Evaluations

Last Wednesday, March 12, Mr. Fletcher (my supervising teacher for student teaching at Anderson Highland High School) had all the students in the Wind Ensemble write on a piece of paper two things that I am doing well and two […]