Last from Anderson Highland

Well, my time at Anderson Highland has finally come to an end. (Well, actually, it officially ended 5/2 and practically ended 5/10, but I’m just now getting around to blogging about it.) What a wonderful time I had there. Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Stickler truly were wonderful to work with, and I had so much fun working with all the students in all the various ensembles. I’m blessed to have been given the opportunity to student teach at Highland.

I wanted to share the corollary to my first post about Highland. In the middle of the semester, Mr. Fletcher had the students write two things I was doing well and something I needed to improve on. This produced many interesting (and all anonymous) notes. Well, I asked him to have the students do similarly again, this time at the end of the semester. This produced many interesting responses again, but in very different ways. I even had many students sign the notes. What follows is, again, selections from these notes (typed verbatim, if any errors exist).

I think you’re doing AWESOME 🙂 GOOD LUCK! Congrats on your engagement too! 🙂 (I’m sure that’s a little late.) If you’re dealt with some in this class, you’ll be ready for almost anything.. Ha Ha!

You have progressed tremendously. Work on: Discipline & authority.

You’re Amazing
don’t change Mr. Thom!!!
sectionals are amazing with you!
woot! woot! congrats

it’s all good so far that I can see
Don’t go

Mr. Tom
You’ve done a great job. You don’t constantly mess up like our student teachers last year. Thanks for putting up with all of my stupid sounds and stuff, and good luck after graduation.

Mr. Thom,
Thank you for being a director for our band
You did well.

Mr. Thom is an awesome conductor and student teacher. Compared to all over the other student conductors, I would say I like him the best. He is easy to get along with and he knows A LOT about what he’s doing – more so than our previous student conductors.
Can’t think of anything for him to improve on.

Mr. Thom,
You did a super job putting up with this band. I know that even just as a student, this class can be frustrating to deal with, and as a student teacher, you dealt with it well.
You’ll make a fine teacher, and whatever school you go to, they’ll be lucky to have you! 🙂
and have fun at graduation.

Mr. Thom –
You are amazing, don’t ever change. We’ll miss you sooooooo much. Thank you, You’re the best!

You were confident without seeming cocky. You seemed laid back but in a good way. (You weren’t stressful). You did a Great job conducting.

Mr. Thom,
You did a great job this year with us. Your conducting was actually better than a certain someone else that shall remain nameless!
Thank you

Mr. Thom
I think your great. You did a great job. I like the way you dress. Your style is fly. Good luck in the future. Hopefully one day there will be a cozy couch with Mr. Thom and don’t read me and Jordan’s text message when you have my phone.

I think Tom is a really good band director. Whatever band he teaches will surely benefit them all.

Mr. Thom,
I think you were great! You were fun and most of the time pretty energetic. I really enjoyed being taught by you. Keep your good sense of humor, because I’m sure your future students will dish out all kinds of stuff. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself though. If they make you mad, tell them! Have a great summer! :]

Mr. Tom youre an awesome guy. Even though you cant beat austin in a race, you’re a really great director. Good luck with your career.

goo yob!
(That’s what she said) lol

I sure am gonna miss those kids.

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