(About) 100 Things I Want to Do – In-Progress

This post is in progress! I want to actually come up with (nearly) 100 things, but I figured I’ve been sitting around 25 for so long that I need to just get it posted before much more time passes. I’m open to ideas of things to add though, so feel free to throw those in the comments!

So this post was inspired by Matt Todd’s 100(ish) Things post, which was itself inspired by Papa Joe’s 100 Things to Do Before I Die. I’ve always wanted to assemble a list like this, so that was the inspiration I needed! So here goes.

Oh, and a quick disclaimer. I don’t make any promises to actually do all of these, as I know many of them will be very difficult/expensive to make happen.

  1. Go to a Colts game (okay I’m starting small so I don’t get too discouraged, haha)
  2. Get out of the country (to visit, not to stay)
  3. Drive a Ferrari
  4. Drive on the Autobahn
  5. Drive on a race course (ideally road course, but I’ll take any)
  6. Attend a racing school (such as Skip Barber, Bondurant, etc.)
  7. Get another degree
  8. Attend a tactical training school (such as Firearms Academy of Seattle, ICE Training, etc.)
  9. Buy a new BMW (I’d name a model, but by then, who knows what the models will be exactly)
  10. Buy a new Audi (yes. I want both.)
  11. Get my private pilot’s license
  12. Learn to fly a helicopter
  13. Visit all 50 states (for more than just a drive-through)
  14. Quit my job and work for myself full-time
  15. Get my ham (amateur radio) license (KC9UQE on August 13, 2011, K6MJT on September 7, 2011)
  16. Attend all (5-7) games of a World Series, ideally in Anaheim and/or with the Angels in it
  17. Build a house from scratch (sure, with a bit of contractor help)
  18. Drift
  19. Win a year of food from any restaurant
  20. Attend the Rose Bowl Game
  21. Program a whole-house automation/management solution
  22. Storm chase (and actually see at least one tornado touchdown)
  23. Grow a legit beard
  24. Attend the Indianapolis 500 (May 24, 2009)
  25. Travel out of state for work (like just once, not as a regular gig)
  26. Participate in a ride-along
  27. Be one of the first 100 people in line for a Chick-fil-a grand opening and get free Chick-fil-a for a year so I can Eat Mor Chikin (Stolen from Matt, but I LOVE Chick-fil-A)
  28. Commute to work without a car
  29. Take a cross-country road trip without a car
  30. Play a reggae tune (with Sharlene Boodram?)
  31. See the aurora borealis in person
Open to more ideas! Please leave them in the comments!

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