
Slingshot SEO is Tearin’ It Up in Indy

I know I haven’t posted in a few weeks… But I just had to mentioned that we’ve been killing it at work lately. First, we got a sign on our building. This helped solidify our commitment to staying in Indy, […]



Author’s Note: To those of you looking for information regarding the discontinued NBC soap opera, you will be dismayed. Furthermore, this post will not deal with’s first five definitions for the word “passion,” three of which deal with “sexual […]


Exciting News!

Well, it’s official: I have a job! And furthermore, it’s an opportunity that I never thought I would have (although, in a small way, always wished I would). In short, Alex Robinson is leaving the Christian Campus House. This makes […]


And now back to our regularly-scheduled program…

Whoa, it’s been a year – more than a year! Regular posting will resume very soon. Several very important things have transpired since my last post, and they bear mentioning – but not for a few more days. Check back […]