INTASC Standard #1

Knowledge of Subject Matter

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structure of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students.

[Headings for INTASC standards are taken from - Campbell, D.M. et al.  (1997).  How to develop a professional portfolio:  A manual for teachers.  Boston: Allyn and Bacon.]

This INTASC standard serves, primarily, to prove my understanding of the content I will be teaching - music. Basic content examples include rhythm, form, melody, harmony, meter, and other theoretical concepts. In truth, all aspects of music theory, history, composition, rehearsal, and performance should be a part of my knowledge base. The tools of inquiry for music are ways that I can learn more about music and further my understanding thereof. Attending concerts and master classes are useful to improving my understanding of literature and different performers' perspectives on performing. Going to workshops can improve my knowledge in any specific area of music. Also, studying my major instrument privately helps me to become a better musician. Before I can be a teacher, I must be a musician.

My undergraduate work has given me so much knowledge and so many tools for teaching the discipline of music.  One of my most enlightening classes was MusEd 351 (see artifact below), because I previously had such little experience with general music classes.  Also, my music theory classes were very interesting to me (see artifact below), though much of the upper-level theory will only be used sparingly in most of my teaching settings.  Lastly, my music history classes have given me a lot of context for all the arbitrary facts about music, composers, and styles that I already knew.  Much of musical interpretation is done based upon history and knowledge of composers' original intentions; I can do that so much more effectively now than ever before.  I also submit as evidence of my knowledge of subject matter my cumulative grade point average; through six semesters my GPA for major-related classes is 3.838 (on a 4-point scale), so I think it is fair to say that I know my material very well (and my overall is 3.792, so I've done quite well in my non-major classes as well).

The following artifacts will demonstrate my achievement and growth in understanding the aforementioned concepts.  Though the first set of artifacts are from my first semester at Ball State (and, thus, contains very basic theoretical concepts), they show that, even upon entering college, I had a solid grasp on music theory; that only continued through the upper-level theory classes.  The second artifact shows the research I did to investigate various resources that are available for general music (elementary-level in particular), which is significant because it is the one area that I have the least experience and intrinsic ability.  Lastly, the third artifact shows continued study of rehearsal techniques, since these are likely to be most directly useful to my probable first job.

Music Theory 111 Grades

Resource Review from MusEd 351

Journal Entry (Chapter 24) from MusEd 355

Conducting Video from Student Teaching

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